Thursday, April 5, 2007

There´s a first for everything....

well..... here I am in Buenos Aires now, and again im still loving Argentina. What a fantastic country. im still living off steak for the most part, and enjoying every bite of it. Buenos Aires is a pretty intense city, it basically never sleeps, except the odd place in the afternoon during ciesta. So far we have gone to a soccer watch, museum, japanese garden, cemetary, clubs, and just around. The first for everything really has nothing to do with what we have been doing, but more so about me. I bought a proper old mans pipe. .... for smoking tabacoo!!! A pipe is a lot harder to smoke than one would think, but it was damn tasty my first time trying it. They are hard to keep lit though so I need some practice. Another first as you will notice in the photo´s that i shaved my head (doesnt help that it is a bad pic). the deal was if Matt does a mohawk, than i would shave my head. It feels pretty good being in the heat, but im really not sure if i like it. feel free to throw some comments my head, even if they are negative....hey hair grows back... but im getting use to it now. So hey, soccer game was insane, sorry no pics.... but i will when i get home. rob has pics, and a video. and really there is lots to do here. next week we are off to Uruguay for a few days than coming back to Argentina for Iguazu falls. Ciao chico´s y chica´s


Unknown said...

I must admit I was a bit scared to see the shaved head, but it is not as bad as I anticipated. I think it actually suits you pretty nicely! thanks for the updates sounds like Argentina has a lot to offer and you guys are trying to do cool things. Keep the pics coming, and Happy Easter weekend.

Unknown said...

Head looks good buddy....once you shave it you wont want to grow it back....Argentina looks sweet....keep the pictures coming